Date: Oct 24, 2012  |  Written by SilentStorm  |  Posted Under: Article, Guides  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

I was not around for the original Mad King events on Guild Wars. From what I hear, they were massive and fun. With that said, so far the Guild Wars 2 version lives up to the lineage of the original event. It comes complete with a festive redesign of Lion’s Arch and plenty of mini-games and goodies in the gem store. There’s also an interesting scavenger hunt with a good story line involved. I went ahead and took the liberty of showing all the key areas in the hunt within a video. All in all, the event is well done– and free, so you can’t beat that.

Keep reading to watch the video!

Here is the event’s walkthrough. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It took me around 2 hours to stumble around with no help finding everything, but thankfully it shouldn’t take you as long with this guide in hand:

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