Date: Sep 28, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Article, Column  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

We all have things we love about Guild Wars 2, places that make us cheer out and say “yes, this is my ultra-mega place!” We all have classes, abilities, and features we’re passionate about, either negatively or positively. This is a place to share all that. A couple times a week I’ll be raising a Guild Wars 2 question to the community– hopefully an interesting one– and we’ll share our opinions. I’ll start off with my opinion just to get the ball rolling, but these questions will not have any right or wrong answers, so feel free to argue with me to your heart’s content!

Early on during headstart, I noticed quite a few players questioning their order choice (you know, that whole Vigil, Durmand Priory, or Order of Whispers choice). The decision comes fairly early in the personal story quest line, and interestingly enough, affects a large portion of the nature of the story quests that follow the decision.

Durmand Priory characters, for example, are given some quests that require the player to make use of gadgets while continuing the storyline. Vigil characters, naturally, are given quests that follow the whole “shoot first– ask questions later” philosophy. Order of Whispers characters follow a more sneaky route, but still get the job done. The three orders also gain access to different armor sets.

Personally, I was really happy when I found out that the story quests can vary due to our chosen order. I haven’t RP’ed in Guild Wars 2 yet, but I always kind of attach personalities to my characters regardless, and I instantly looked forward to creating alts to play the part of all three orders. My main, a gruff-yet-protective charr Guardian, went, of course, with the Vigil.

There was really no other alternative for her, and I’m quite happy with the story quests I’ve received as a result. The Vigil heavy armor set isn’t bad, either. As for my alts, I’m thinking my Engineer and Thief will have to be Order of Whispers, and my little Necromancer may do well under Durmand Priory. I still haven’t quite figured out how my adorable asura Necromancer with a bow in her hair manages to summon demons, but hey– it’s still magic, man! Just cool magic! Something like that, anyway.

How do you stand on your order choice? How did you decide, and are you still happy with that decision? Do you love or hate the armor sets? Sound off in the comments section below!

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