Date: May 23, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

We’ve got another dev blog published by Arenanet on the process of naming things in Tyria! Find out more how the development team goes through the process of creating names for people and places in Guild Wars 2, it’s pretty fascinating.

Keep reading to find out more.

Salutations, readers! I’m Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda, a content designer here at ArenaNet, and I’d like to give you a little background on exactly what goes on in the process of naming things in Guild Wars 2. The world of Tyria has a vast amount of creatures, locations, and items, and though wrangling the names of so many different things over such a huge scale is a daunting task, ArenaNet has developed an excellent system to manage them.

Names in Guild Wars 2 have their origins in many different sources — real-world lore, established game naming schemes, onomatopoeia, outside media, cheeky references to Colin Johanson, and — of course — button mashing (although obviously that last one isn’t meant to be permanent). Whether it’s for a monster, a character, or an item, all names begin life in a placeholder-type state, then are subjected to what I like to call the “sanity check.” This is a safety pass to ensure proper spelling and pronunciation, the latter of which is even more important if the name is going to be voiced. As Guild Wars 2 has moved into using a lot more voice-over work than the first games, the importance of this pass has grown tremendously, and the common rule of thumb is to say any name or phrase out loud a few times before committing to it. “Xanthoaediax” may seem like a lovely name, but it’s going to be a nightmare to pronounce!

Source: What’s in a Name? Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda on Naming Tyria

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