Date: Aug 9, 2012  |  Written by Rook  |  Posted Under: Article  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Guild Wars 2 is an exciting game with a lot to offer. Skill descriptions and theory crafting just isn’t always enough though – sometimes we need to do some tests to determine exactly how things work. In this video series we’ll be exploring the RESULTS of some of these tests. New videos on various topics will be released every Sunday and Wednesday until the start of Guild Wars 2.

Episode #1 – Mesmer Portals

How long do they last? How far can you go? Can you go through keeps? Check out the answers to all these questions in this video where we test Mesmer Portals. At the very least watch the huge jump before the credits (about 3:45) as we reveal something particular about portal ranges…

To watch the video hit us after the break.