Date: Oct 15, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Article, Column  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

We all have things we love about Guild Wars 2, places that make us cheer out and say “yes, this is my ultra-mega place!” We all have classes, abilities, and features we’re passionate about, either negatively or positively. This is a place to share all that. Once a week I’ll be raising a Guild Wars 2 question to the community– hopefully an interesting one– and we’ll share our opinions. I’ll start off with my opinion just to get the ball rolling, but these questions will not have any right or wrong answers, so feel free to argue with me to your heart’s content!

So, organized group content. Raiders sometimes receive a lot of flack because of how raid-centric and loot treadmill-like many MMORPGs have become. Want the shiniest gear? Better get your raid group together, clear three nights a week off your schedule, and get ready to stand in–er, avoid fires. Despite the negativity that some gamers feel towards raiding, however, there’s no denying the fact that a challenging raid or 5-man dungeon run with friends can be an extremely fun way to spend an evening. Challenging group content– when made well and completed with the right group– promotes teamwork, communication, leadership skills, and it makes us want to become better players.

Date: Sep 27, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Buzz  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

During Tuesday’s update, we saw some pretty significant changes to the dungeon reward system, and how reward tokens are affected by diminishing returns (DR) as well as offered at the very end of a complete run. The changes were done to discourage players from exploiting certain dungeon bosses and environments in order to skip certain fights, and run through areas as quickly as possible, multiple times, to farm tokens. This may seem like a good intention in theory, since the system will undoubtedly see subsequent changes once ArenaNet’s team actually fixes the exploits.

Except for the fact that, well, the DR system– and the changes that occurred– seem… not quite right. Instead of seeing diminishing returns for super-fast dungeon completion runs (less than 30 mins) that are ran back-to-back, as intended, some players are seeing diminishing returns on the amount of tokens they receive the first time through. And the second time through, even though their run took far longer than 30 minutes. There are also players who are finding themselves kicked out of groups right before the final boss so their groupmates can quickly grab a friend who can then earn the completion rewards, leaving the original player who battled through the entire dungeon empty-handed.