Date: Dec 4, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Buzz  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

After yesterday’s Guild Wars 2 Update, quite a number of items became broken due to the update. Jumping, for one, which was fixed in a quick hotfix later that same night. One other broken item currently affecting players is the last fight in the Cliffside Fractal. Robert Hrouda, Content Designer, made a post on the official forums warning players, and offering a possible workaround that sometimes does the trick to making the fight unbroken again. Here’s what he had to say:

Originally posted by Robert Hrouda (Source)

Problem: The Novices aren’t spawning during the final boss fight, prohibiting players from charging the hammer and breaking the seal.

We’re aware of the problem and are working on it. It does not effect 100% of the players. If you engage/agro the Novices before the boss takes the hammer back from you at the start, that seems to cause the issue when it does happen.

Meanwhile we have found a workaround while we try to resolve the problem with a patch. If the entire party wipes and restarts from the checkpoint, it could fix the problem.

Players have since reported that the suggested workaround does not always work. With any luck, ArenaNet will fix this issue as soon as possible.

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