Date: Aug 10, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Looks like Mike Furguson was hanging out in the Heart of the Mists yesterday during the stress test and decided to answer some questions. Tibincrunch took some screenshots and posted them on Reddit yesterday. Thanks to him and the Reddit Community!

Mike Ferguson was hanging out in the Heart of the Mists and a bunch of people were asking questions so I decided to take some screenshots of his answers. Some of this stuff may already be known but I tried to ask some questions that were unconfirmed.

Keep reading for the full Q&A transcript.

Q: Are we allowed to report players who are afk in the matches?
A: Report afk’ers if you so desire :)

Q: Will there be birthday presents? Or is this under wraps still?
A: We have lots of plans for live updates, nothing we can talk about though.

Q: Players being AFK in sPvP was a problem in BWE3 for me… maybe a timer?
A: We just added an afk timer since BWE3 ;)

Q: Will there be more options in character creating at launch?
A: I don’t think we are adding more character creating options, but it’s possible.

Q: How long does it take to drop combat?
A: I think it’s about 15 seconds to drop combat, but we might have different values for PvE/PvP

Q: Any plans for a 1v1 duel feature? It would be a great way to test out builds and mess around
A: We’d like to add dueling at some point, probably not before launch though.

Q: Mike, will you ever add a crosshair type feature since we can aim projectiles without targets?
A: You can already aim projectiles, just don’t have anything targeted and it will fire in the direction you face, probably not getting a reticle though.

Q: Any chance of getting a guild tax system implemented?
A: Guild tax has been talked about, don’t know what it’s status is at the moment.

Q: I’d actually want to second the question about HD Screenshots. Are they in the pipeline and getting back eventually, or scrapped for good?
A: I haven’t heard anything about HD screenshots, I will definitely let people know that they are being requested… frequently ;)

Q: Mike, have you seen the Oculus Rift VR headset on kickstarter? Any chance this would work with GW2?
A: Seen it, don’t know if it would work. Its possible, we have 3D working with the nvidia glasses.

Q: Which profession is in dire need of help Mike?
A: I think Necro and Thief are the ones they are worried about most, but it changes from day to day depending on what they change.

Q: Is PVE difficulty back the way it was intended to be this stress test?
A: We are still looking at PvE difficulty, we’d like it to be close to BWE2 difficulty instead of BWE3

Q: Are there plans to add more servers at launch? or is this the final list?
A: We will add more servers as needed, this is close to the final list for launch though.

Q: Mike, the third male Sylvari face ( horizontally ) had its bioluminescence changed for the worse. Is this a bug?
A: I assume so.. I have seen a couple posts on it already.

Q: Is the skill lag in the game ( atm ) just because of the stress testing?
A: Skill lag is generally from servers lagging.

Q: Any confirmation on the voice pitch slider during character creating at launch?
A: No Idea.

Q: Is there a chance that weapons might be dyeable release or later?
A: I know some can be emblemized with your guild emblem, I don’t think dyes can be applied to the though. Its something we might be able to look at post ship though.

Q: Can we get the preview window to display weapons in our hands, and not hiding in our cloaks?
A: Preview is still being worked on, I will mention it to the programmer working on it.

Q: Currently, what profession needs balancing the most?
A: The skill guys are looking at all professions, I think they are really only happy with Warrior at this point, but I am not too sure, skill aren’t my thing.

Q: Do you know how long the 24 hour WvW battles will happen at launch, before the 2 week battles start?
A: probably a week or two… we just want the servers to get some data before we turn them on so we don’t have 2 week mismatches all over the place

Q: Are you guys still raising the caps ( WvW? ) for launch?
A: We are still optimizing.. It will hopefully go up before launch, we found a couple things over the last day or two that should help performance.

Q: Are queues in WvWvW working as intended or more work to be done yet?
A: WvWvW queues are working better, but they still need a little love.

Q: What are the indented caps per map/per server in WvWvW?
A: As many as we can fit in there… still a work in progress.

Q: Is there any way to tell if your queueing for WvW or not?
A: We don’t have any queue status indicators yet, trying to get them in for launch.

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